24 thg 12, 2014

Foot and Skin Disease, Impetigo

Foot and Skin Diseases - Impetigo! Impetigo is rarely serious, and often self-improvement in 2-3 weeks. But because impetigo can sometimes lead to complications.

Impetigo is a highly contagious skin disease that mainly affects infants and children. Impetigo sores usually appear as red in the face, especially around the nose and mouth of the child. Although it usually
occurs when bacteria enter the body through cuts or insect bites, it can also grow on healthy skin.
Impetigo is rarely serious, and often self-improvement in 2-3 weeks. But because impetigo can sometimes lead to complications, the doctor may choose to treat impetigo with an antibiotic ointment or oral antibiotics.
Children can usually return to school or child care setting immediately after is not contagious - usually within 24 hours of starting antibiotic treatment.
The symptoms
Here are the signs and symptoms of impetigo:
Red sores fast break, hair in a few days and then formed a golden brown crust.
Not painful, fluid-filled blisters.
In more severe forms - painful, fluid or pus-filled sores turn into deep ulcers.
These types of impetigo
Contagiosa impetigo. Also known as impetigo not bonhj. The most common form of impetigo is contagiosa Impetigo usually starts as a red sore on his face, most often on the nose and mouth. The pain quickly burst discharge or pus, or forming a honey-colored crust. Finally crust disappears, leaving a red mark heal without scarring. Impetigo sores may be itchy, but they do not cause pain.
Can not have a fever with this type of impetigo but may have swollen lymph nodes in the affected area. And because it is highly contagious, just touching or scratching the sores can spread the infection to other parts of the body.
Bullous impetigo. This type mainly affects infants and children under 2 years. It causes painful, fluid-filled blisters - usually on the body arms and legs. Skin around the pimple is usually red and itchy but not painful. The blisters, which break and scab over with a yellow crust, can be large or small, and can last longer than sores from other types of impetigo.
Ecthyma. This form of impetigo honcua serious penetration into the second layer of skin (dermis). Signs and symptoms include liquid or painful sores filled with pus, turned into deep ulcers, usually on the legs and feet. The ulcer burst and crust over with a thick yellow crust gray. The scar may remain after healing of ulcers. Ecthyma can cause swollen lymph nodes in the affected area.
Go see a doctor if
If you suspect or impetigo, consult your family doctor, pediatrician or dermatologist. Your doctor may recommend a treatment plan based on the type of impetigo and severity of infection.
Two types of bacteria that cause impetigo - Staphylococcus aureus (staph) is the most common, and Strepxococcus pyogenes (strep). Both types of bacteria can live harmlessly on the skin until you enter through a cut or other wound and cause infection.
In adults, impetigo is usually the result of damage to the skin - often by other skin conditions such as dermatitis. Children often become infected through shave, cut or insect bite, but can also develop impetigo without any significant damage to the skin.
Exposure to the bacteria that cause impetigo when in contact with the sores of someone who is infected or with items, such as clothing, bed linens, towels and even toys. Once infected, can easily infect others.
Staph bacteria produce a toxin that causes impetigo spread to nearby skin. The toxin attacks a protein that helps the skin cells linked together. When this protein is damaged, bacteria can spread quickly.
Risk Factors
Although anyone can develop impetigo, children ages 2 to 6 years of age and infants most often infected. Children are especially vulnerable to infection because their immune systems are still developing. And because staph and bacteria thrive wherever groups of people are in close contact, impetigo spreads easily in schools and child care facilities.
These factors increase the risk of landslides include:
Ages 2-6.
Going to school or child care.
Direct contact with an adult or child with impetigo or with bedding, towels or clothing contaminated.
Crowded conditions.
Warm, humid weather - impetigo infection is more common in summer.
Participation in sports is related to skin contact, such as football or wrestling.
Eczema is a chronic, especially atopic dermatitis.
The elderly and those with diabetes or immune systems are particularly vulnerable ability to develop pustules (ecthyma), a form of deeper and more serious of impetigo.
Impetigo is usually not dangerous, but sometimes it can lead to complications are rare, but serious, including:
Poststrepxococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN). Pyelonephritis may develop after streptococcal infection such as strep throat or impetigo. It occurs when antibodies are formed as a result of infection damages the small structures (glomeruli) that filter waste from the kidneys. Although most people recover without any lasting damage, PSGN can lead to chronic renal failure.
Signs and symptoms usually appear PSGN about two weeks after infection. These include facial swelling - especially around the eyes - decreased urination, blood in the urine, high blood pressure and stiff or painful joints. Usually affecting children aged PSGN 6 to 10 years. Adults tend to develop PSGN severe symptoms than children and are less likely to recover completely. Although antibiotics can cure streptococcal infection but does not prevent PSGN.
Tissue. This potentially serious infections affecting the skin and underlying tissues may eventually spread to the lymph nodes and into the bloodstream. If untreated, cellulitis can quickly become life-threatening.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections. MRSA is a strain of staph bacteria can resist most antibiotics. It can cause serious skin infections and deteriorate rapidly expanding and very difficult to treat. The skin infection may start as a swollen red bumps or pus melting. MRSA can also cause pneumonia and blood infections.
Other complications include:
Lightening (Hypopigmentation) or dark (pigmentation) of the skin.
Tests and diagnosis
Doctors usually diagnose impetigo by considering the signs and symptoms and medical history and examine the special ulcers. Your doctor may ask about any recent cuts, scrapes or insect bites to the affected area.
Find bacteria needed to confirm the diagnosis or to exclude other causes. In this test, your doctor uses a sterile cotton swab to gently remove a small bit of pus or drainage from one of the sores. This sample is then cultured in the laboratory for the presence of bacteria.
Treatments and drugs
Speed ​​impetigo treatment can cure ulcers, improves the appearance of skin and limit the spread of infection. How impetigo treatment depends on many factors, including the type of impetigo and the severity of the infection. Treatment includes:
The hygiene measures. Sometimes the doctor may choose to treat minor cases of impetigo with hygienic measures. Keep your skin clean can help heal minor infections.
Antibiotics. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics applied to the affected area (topical antibiotics), such as mupirocin ointment (Bactroban) or retapamulin (Altabax). Before applying the antibiotic should be gently remove any scales to the antibiotic can penetrate into the throat.
Antibiotics. Antibiotics by mouth (oral antibiotics) may be prescribed for widespread impetigo, ecthyma and severe cases of impetigo contagiosa. The specific antibiotic depends on the severity of infection and allergies or known medical conditions. Be sure to finish the entire treatment course of medication even if the sores are healed. This helps prevent recurrent infection and less likely to antibiotic resistance.
Lifestyle and home remedies
For small infection has not spread to other areas, try the following:
Soak the affected area of ​​skin with vinegar - 1 tablespoon white vinegar to 1 pint of water - in 20 minutes. This makes it easier to gently remove the scales.
After washing the area, apply an antibiotic ointment is prescribed three times / day. Wash skin prior to application, and pat dry.
Avoid scratching or touching the sores as much as possible until they heal. Apply dressing from sticking to the infected area can help keep spreading impetigo.
Keep your skin clean is the best way to keep it healthy. Treat cuts, scrapes, insect bites and other injuries immediately by washing the affected area and apply antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.
If someone in your family has impetigo, follow these steps to keep the infection spreading to others:
Gently wash the affected area with soap and water and then cover lightly with gauze.
Wash clothes, linens and towels of infected people every day and not shared with anyone else in the family.
Wear gloves when applying any antibiotic ointment and wash hands thoroughly afterwards.
Cut nails short to prevent damage caused by scratching.
Wash your hands often.
Keep your child home until the doctor says it is not contagious.

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