Summer is hot and humid, lush greenery of the season and the developing organism. In many species, the species has caused us the trouble. It is the bacteria that causes an infection of skin disease.
body hair. Expression as papules, pustules, and suddenly wound in the neck squamous follicle details. Infection can spread deeper entire hair follicle, which is inflammation of the hair roots (sycosis). When hair follicles abscess is a complication had a boil, boil cluster is heavier, or inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue.
There are a number of favorable factors such as hot weather, high humidity, environmental pollution and dirt. Shaving, plucking or waxing, use of synthetic clothing or skin sealing tapes are favorable factors often cause folliculitis. The skin wet armpits, groin, genital-anal, nice ass inflammation. Use creams with corticosteroids, long-term use of antibiotics facilitate the development of anaerobic bacteria. People with diabetes, immunodeficiency or folliculitis than normal.
The causative agent of many types of folliculitis. Most cases of folliculitis is caused by staphylococcus identical. Also can be caused by Gram-negative bacteria, Pseudomonas, Proteus ..., yeast, filamentous fungi, virus herpes, molluscum contagious and Demodex parasite.
Disease manifestations are red papules or pustules on neck hair follicles surrounded by a red halo. When breakouts leave little trace suddenly and scab details. Maybe only a few scattered small bumps but also the convergence of the cloud inflammatory acne mustache, beard ...
Clinical manifestations of skin inflammation by region:
- REGION: staphylococcal folliculitis insect, bacterial superinfection acne or folliculitis Gram-negative bacteria by Gram alone, molluscum contagious and Demodex folliculorum infection in the hair follicle.
- The beard: deep folliculitis staphylococcal identical gold (Staphylococcus aureus) causes inflammation of hair pins, hair (sycosis), sometimes simultaneously infected with Gram-negative bacteria. It usually persistent, intractable and recurring much. The hairline red inflamed acne, breakouts can see the stains came and played more scales. These warts can be scattered or into clumps. Sycosis after from no scarring but may leave bruises existed for some time. Sycosis may be more severe when the infection spreads into the hollow hairs cause abscesses or boils worsens. Where the vehicle, damage the hair follicle sebaceous glands can cause scarring after off. Some regions or sycosis as the beard, armpit, neck region hairline, sideburns, pubic hair. Beard area can also filamentous fungus infection, herpes virus, molluscum contagious and infectious Demodex hurt like rosacea.
- The scalp: staphylococcal folliculitis and filamentous fungi.
- The back of the neck: and staphylococcal and filamentous fungi.
- Legs: common in women shave or waxing legs. Often inflammation due to infection.
- BODY: staphylococcal agent common cause folliculitis in the folds like armpits. Also can meet other agents such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Malassezia yeast, Candida.
- Buttocks: primarily due to staphylococci. Filamentous fungi also common in hot and humid areas.
These pathogens have specific clinical manifestations:
- Staphylococcal folliculitis: golden staph can cause identical folliculitis agricultural aka Bockhart moment of hair follicles and can cause inflammation spreads to the entire deep folliculitis (sycosis). Sycosis common in the beard area and cause itching. When the inflammation spreads both unit-sebaceous follicles may leave scars after off. Or recurrent disease in the absence of the kind of favorable factors such as environmental pollution, hot and humid. Some areas or as the beard, armpit, neck hairline area, sideburns, pubic hair.
- Folliculitis caused by Gram-negative bacteria: often occurs in people with acne use the long days of oral antibiotics. The acne worse, folliculitis the follicles nodules or abscesses to cover the cheeks, chin.
- Folliculitis caused by filamentous fungi: Fungal infections usually start in the horny layer around the hair follicle mouth then spread deep into the hair follicle and on. Fungal skin and hair follicles can be found at the top with the different expression by the different strains cause. + Tinea cause flaking off hair and dander, fungi causing skin lesions are a bunch of round, white skin desquamation and cause hair loss, fungal pathogens are transmitted to Microsporum by animals that usually dogs and cats (Microsporum canis); + Tinea cause hair cut close to the scalp and hair found spots on the legs, usually caused by the fungus Trichophyton tonsurans and T. violaceum; + Mushroom Favus cause abscesses follicle and hair loss if not treated early will cause scarring hair loss and scalp, caused by Trichophyton schoenleinii. + Kerion usually manifests crowd of local inflammation or large clusters, pain, much like honey yellow pus, which is fractured hair fall and can spit all puffy hair without pain. Inflammation of hair follicles and more pus, creating vents between the capsule. There can be only one group of lesions but also when multiple clusters on the scalp. Often there are nodes neighborhood. The disease can cause hair loss and free from scars. By pathogens in animals or fungi in soil transmitted to humans: T. verrucosum, T. mentagrophytes.
- By the fungus Malassezia folliculitis: common in hot and humid climates. Expression is the rash and pimples in the hair follicles back, arms, sometimes in the neck, face. The lesions of acne like acne but no (comedon), distinguished from acne comedon.
- Candida albicans yeast occurs in ice covered areas or hot humid day long, such as fever patients is long, or the plastic protector skin, topical steroid cream. Candida fungal infection of the hair follicles causing pustules clusters.
- Folliculitis caused by herpes virus infection: common in the beard, mustache by shaving. The vesicular follicles in the beard, like a bunch of grapes, a few more days to close the scales. The disease does not go away or scarring, but often recur.
- Sycosis by the molluscum virus transmission: molluscum contagiosum viral skin rash that is concave in the middle of the hair follicle or hair follicles around the beard, mustache. Diseases caused by infection and usually go away after a period of several months, sometimes longer.
- Folliculitis syphilis: red papules copper, can be folded into oval, hair loss, but from no scarring. There are also other lesions of patients giangmai as initial training, array genital mucosa-anus ... and syphilis serology positive.
- By Demodex folliculitis (Demodicidosis): Demodex folliculorum infection, psoriasis causes flaking skin around hair follicles, expression like psoriasis or dermatitis, folliculitis chalk sebum (Seborrheic dermatitis) or follicular papules-red pustules feather-like rosacea (acne rosacea) on a red background on the skin.
Progression and complications:
Evolution folliculitis persistent, or recurrent due to favorable factors such as environmental pollution, heat and moisture. Improving the environment will help to more effectively treat and prevent relapse. Many patients who relapse after treatment or persistent disease becomes difficult to treat. Complications can occur causing more severe boils, pimples and inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue clusters.
Can use antibacterial soaps or benzoyl peroxide to prevent recurrence.
- Topical treatment: can be used as topical anti-infective betadin, IODINE alcohol, fat creams or antibiotics such as Bactroban, fucidin ...
- Treatment Body: case inflamed and may recur systemic medication.
- Antibiotics: in the case of staphylococcal folliculitis can use systemic antibiotics when necessary. The antibiotic of group O-lactamin, amoxillin, cephalosporin, cyclin, co-trimoxazol, ciprofloxacin and metronidazole. Dosage and used under conditions and instructions of the manufacturer.
- Folliculitis caused by Gram-negative bacteria: need to stop using antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide wash and ampixillin or co-trimoxazol. In some cases for isotretinoin. However, isotretinoin is a medication that can cause dangerous side effects, especially possible teratogenic effects in women using this drug should be directed by a physician.
- Fungal folliculitis: use of topical antifungal medicines and coordinate with. Topical like Nizoral, Canesten, Mycoster .... There are many antifungal drugs such as itraconazole 100mg oral 2vien drink / day for 14 days or oral terbinafine 250 mg / day for 14 days. For yeast candida oral itraconazole 100mg 2vien / day for 14 days, or 150 mg oral fluconazole 2vien / day for 14 days.
- Folliculitis caused by herpes virus, acyclovir cream can 6lan / day and 400mg oral acyclovir 3lan / day or 200 mg 5lan / day, or oral valacyclovir 500 mg 2 times / day.
- By Demodex folliculitis: topical permethrin cream can be used in coordination with metronidazole cream or oral metronidazole 1 g / day for 1 week.
Note: for recurrent folliculitis or need to find the cause, the drive detects bacteria in the nasal cavity, anal ... and avoid scratches the skin by shaving the beard with scissors by cutting.
Once infected, although only very slightly so well to medical treatments to correct, do not despise because folk have a saying: "The miscarriage came the cancer" to refer to the case at first as folliculitis common but can cause serious complications of boils off ".
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