24 thg 12, 2014

Some common skin diseases - psoriasis

1. Definitions:
Psoriasis is caused by endocrine disorders create an adherent membrane on the skin. This plaque cell production 10 times faster than normal and die. But instead of losing as normal cell death, it emerged into white flakes.. Benign disease, generally do not affect health, but affect the aesthetic and psychological implications of it. Men were more women, adults more than children. The disease spreads in waves, sometimes up and down season. 

2. Cause 
Psoriasis is caused by differentiating benign disorders of epidermal cells. Until now there has not clearly stated reasons. But it sure makes the following five factors should pathogenic mechanism:
+ Genetics: About 30% of patients with factor family (father, mother, siblings or immediate relatives); 70% of twins and suffering. Studies have shown: braided psoriasis gene is located on chromosome 6 as potentially relevant to the HLAW6 antigen, B13, B17, DR7
+ Infection: Psoriasis in children, psoriasis can drop it streptococci isolated from lesions and antibiotic treatment for the disease in remission.
+ Stress: How sudden relapse or worsening.
Drugs: Psoriasis occurs after using drugs: beta blockers prolonged, lithium, especially after using corticoit
+ Show upper Kobner: lesions grow after mechanical stimulation (scratching, rubbing) or physical and chemical stimuli (disease severity seasonal).
3 - The possible clinical Psoriasis has several types
·   Psoriatic skin: The skin has red patches boundaries, top with thick white scales. When touching the affected area and found dry, hard. Difficult to determine if lesions in the head by the hair just so obscure note: if you see at the top of dandruff naturally see more and more thick than before.
·   Psoriatic nails: Nails thick or more small holes on the surface of the nail.
·   Psoriatic joint: The deformed joints, patient advocacy difficult.
·   Psoriasis can sap: On dry skin with pimples and agriculture.
·   Psoriasis can redness body.
4 - Histopathology
- Often with thick horns and horn Asia, very thick stratum corneum, hundreds of times thicker than normal, which is laminated Asia horn cells (keratinocytes are non remain private) and too horny stacked up together
- Hemp upper papillary layer only 2 -3 packaging thin layer of cells, but in part the inter-papillary germ layer thickness to hundreds of cells, pathogens associated papillary elongation, as if stretched upward and deformation panicle formation
- The lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration into class spines forming abscesses of Munro
- Interrupt the capillaries in the dermis
5 - Treatment
There are three approaches: topical medication, oral medications (whole body) and optical chemotherapy. Typically physicians in combination of the above methods.
- Spot:
Use fats, cream, bubble solution with the aim of scales, horns consumption, limiting rapid formation of skin flakes as:
  • Salicyle 5% fat, 10%
  • Vitamin D3 and derivatives
  • Goudron
- Body
Assigned to the case of severe psoriasis (red leather body, be synchronized, latex) and must be closely monitored by a physician at the hospital as:
+ Methotrexate: inhibition of the immune system to slow down the process of cell division. Drugs have two oral and injectable, not for people with liver disease, pregnant women because the drug is harmful to the liver and blood cells, can cause birth defects.
+ Retinoids (soriantane, tigason) is a form of vitamin A acid is indicated for cases of severe psoriasis.
+ Cyclosporine immunosuppressive drugs that slow down cell division of skin cells so quickly cleaned scales, is indicated for severe cases, resistant to other treatments. The drug is toxic to the kidneys and cause high blood pressure, so patients must be monitored and treated in hospital.
+ Alefacept (amevie) and etanercept (Enbrel) is probiotics also works very well with psoriasis.
Optical chemotherapy treatments include:
Solarium: In the sunshine with ultraviolet (UV), when absorbed into the skin, prevents disease progression, reduce inflammation, slow process of horns.
UVB (ultraviolet B): This therapy is effective for psoriasis may well be mild and moderate and the lesions are resistant to therapy in place. Currently app narrow wavelength UVB treatment effect will be higher.
PUVA (combination pills and UV proralen group A): UVA (ultraviolet A group) have longer wavelengths are absorbed deeper than UVB proralen also makes the skin sensitive to the sun rose.
The efficacy of PUVA higher than UVB, but this therapy has some side effects such as headache, fatigue, burning and itching. Patients after taking proralen should wear sunglasses and avoid the sun for 2 days. However, if prolonged PUVA treatment would risk squamous cell cancer and melanoma skin. Coordinate with oral retinoid PUVA treatment effect will be better.

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