- Rash: Rash is one of the most obvious symptoms of allergies. Often the rash is caused by a food allergy triggers, but sometimes the actors as environmental factors, the use of drugs ... the culprit as well.
- Skin redness or swelling blisters: Allergies often cause your skin to swell, especially the skin around the lips or face the "object" major attack. Much like the type of allergy is usually caused by eating seafood or eggs triggers.
- Eczema (Eczema): The notes will often allergic rashes and scales appear at the top, and will grow near the surface, knees and elbows. If unfortunately a "victim" of evidence eczema you should avoid body produces mohoi, or prevent dry weather.
- Acute urticaria: This is a very dangerous symptom, but it is encouraging that this symptom is also the least common manifestations of allergy. When acute urticaria, the patient will have difficulty breathing, low blood pressure quickly and suddenly, allergies throughout the body. Remember when acute urticaria duocnhanh rapid emergency needs immediately, it is best to quickly bring the patient to the nearest medical facility before it is too late.
Tip tell you:
- Potato Flour: Use 4 tablespoons potato flour to apply to skin allergies, and should be left to the potato dough leaving the skin within 20 minutes. It should be done regularly every day 2 times, until the manifestation of allergic diseases withdrawn.
- Lime: Take a lemon and squeezed water, mixed with 1 cup of warm water. Add 1 bit of lemon juice in the local honey, fresh drinking morning when waking up. Taken regularly for a few months, how do you help improve the immune system in the body.
- Juice: vegetable juice is also considered as an effective treatment for allergic diseases. Quite simply you drink carrot juice or 500 ml carrot juice mixed with beet juice and cucumber juice to uongthuong regularly, will also bring benefits.
- Honey: When the seasonal weather changes or sudden some people are allergic to the weather causing discomfort tired body. Advice for you is to use honey, honey is the best type of area you live. Secret of the flowers in your living area when absorbed into the body becomes a natural antibodies, help reduce the symptoms of allergies such as hay fever in the spring. Honey, can help the body fight infection, sedation, respiratory diseases, cough, laryngitis ...
- Green Tea: Drink 1 -2 cups of green tea every day, can add a little honey. In addition to green tea you can drink black tea, however, compared to black tea is green tea will bring faster healing effect.
- Drink a glass of water with added about 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
Note: During treatment, avoid smoking and use of alcohol.
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