24 thg 12, 2014

Fungal infections may manifest how and cure like?

There are two types of pathological nail fungus, toenail. Fungal pathogen Candida usually nails and one of the diseases that are chronic inflammation around the nails. Candida is a yeast, usually cause illness in people who work in wet environments, in contact with food, especially sweets basis.

Nowadays due to Candida onychomycosis are common in patients with immunodeficiency. Those with normal resistance is rarely sick in many nails but with weakened immune systems are not vulnerable nails but Candiada fungal infection in the oral mucosa, pharynx and may in viscera.

Time treating onychomycosis caused by Candida usually quite long. And so the treatment is effective, patients need to improve the working environment, regular cleaning fingers after work. The drugs commonly used to treat the Lamisil cream, Nizoral ... (topical) and Fluconazole, itraconazole or
Ketocnazol (drink).

The second type of nail fungus disease is caused by the fungus fungus causing fibers. Expression of other fungi Candida onychomycosis due. Usually fungal lesions in the free border of the nail or nail edges.

Nail dull, rough up acne and very brittle. Nail Fungus gradually eat free from shore and can be eaten on the entire nail, but fortunately did not cause the fungus to sow stability after damage from normal nail grows out. This type of nail fungus Trichophyton rubrum strains or so and can cause skin fungus in the neighborhood or other area of ​​the body. The treatment of nail fungus is the same as treatment for onychomycosis caused by Candida.

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