24 thg 12, 2014

Guide to treat psoriasis

The goal of treatment today
The goal of treatment today
The goal of treatment of psoriasis are mainly based on the following main points:
- Prevent the entry of activated T cells from endothelial cells in the epidermis and packaging;
- Prevent Th1 cytokine production process;
- Direct resistance to the Th1 cytokine response;

Psoriasis  is still not completely cured but can only reduce, clean lesions and prolonged recurrence. There are many treatments and based on age, sex, clinical form, lesion location, as well as the spread of disease.
Topical treatment is often used in psoriasis with mild and moderate. Psoriasis moderate and severe can be used for phototherapy or medication system.
Today, to minimize unwanted effects of drugs classic, some new biological drugs are being applied to the treatment of psoriasis mechanism affecting T cells or antigen-presenting cell or work cytokines affect as some medications follows: Alefaceft, infliximab, tazarotene, ..
Alefaceft a recombination proteins, including IFA-end section 3 (associated antigen leukocyte function) and the Fc segment of human IgGI. This drug is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of psoriasis receiving medium and heavy segment in January 1/2003.
Alefaceft prevent the interaction between LFA-3 (associated antigen leukocyte function) located on antigen-presenting cells recognize and CD2 on T cells is inhibited by competition. This helps prevent the transmission of co-stimulatory signals between cells recognize antigens and cell T.Alefaceft also immunosuppressive effects. Alefaceft inhibit the proliferation of activated memory T cells by inhibiting the interaction between LFA-3 and CD2, while the decline in T cells via the link between T cells and natural killer cells .
Alefaceft effective in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis (> 10% body surface area). The average dose is 15 mg / week (intramuscularly) for 12 weeks. Treatable stage 2 but the time between two minimum period of 12 weeks.
Patients should be CD4 count before treatment and weekly during treatment. If CD4 <250 cells / mL, the drug should be discontinued until the CD4 count> 250 cells / mL. If CD4 <250 cells / mL continuously for 4 weeks, alefaceft have long been discontinued.
No serious side effects as well as opportunistic infections or organ toxicity was reported in the study.
The drug is usually well tolerated, the most common side effects are flu-like syndrome, headache, chills, fever, nausea.
Infliximab is a mouse-human monoclonal antibody binding and inhibiting the activity of TNF-a. This drug is recognized for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease. Like other anti-TNF-a. Infliximab is effective in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. The usual dose is 5-10 mg / kg / week (intravenously). The unwanted side effects include infection, headache, dizziness, flushing, affecting digestion, liver function abnormalities and tired. Infliximab cause cell lysis mediated complement IDR tests should be performed in all patients treated with this drug.
Adalimunab is a human IgG1 monoclonal antibody directed against TNF-1 prevents the interaction of the cell surface receptor P55 and P75. Adalimunab also cause cell lysis in the presence of complement. This drug is FDA-approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in 12/2002.
Adalimunab dose in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in adults is 40 mg, subcutaneously at weekly intervals. Like infliximab, these patients should be treated with adalimunab IDR tests. Adalimunab can be used alone or in combination with methotrexate in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Currently, the efficacy of this drug in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are also being studied.
Retinoid tazarotene is a recently recognized in the treatment of psoriasis with oral array. Tazarotene metabolized activities, tazarotenic acid and half-life of 7-12 hours. So, tazarotene may be a safe alternative medicine in the treatment of psoriasis with retinoid system for women in reproductive age.
In addition, the functional food products are playing a very important role in supporting the treatment of psoriasis, help control the symptoms and help strengthen the immune health, purify the body, against the undesirable effects of the poison used in the treatment of psoriasis. Especially as functional foods have important implications for a chronic disease, such as psoriasis prolonged, sustained use of functional foods in which the product is at the forefront Kim Kang Free help the patient's condition will be improved and avoid recurrence without any side effects.

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