24 thg 12, 2014

Learn nail fungus treatment

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Habitat, hot and humid weather, chemical ... is one of the many causes of fungal nail infection is quite common. The understanding and treatment when disease is very necessary and useful.
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Anatomy of nails

Nail grows directly from the epidermis (epidermis) and is composed of many layers of horny or protein that is called keratin. Keratin hair and also in the outer layer of skin. In living cells without nails, nail grows out from a very special group of cells called the intercellular (matrix) contains many blood vessels, located just below the nail halo (lunular). Dark nails are white, semicircular, most visible in the thumb. Nails do not grow up to be the intercellular layer intact.

Causes of nail fungus

There are many types of fungi that cause disease, which must include two main groups are: Mushroom seed rolls (Candida) and fungal filaments (dermatophytes). When our hands or feet are wet environment is favorable for fungal development and disease.

Clinical signs of fungal nail infection

Disease expression in one or more nails but rarely all 10 fingernails or toenails 10. When patients infected nail fungus is originally white or yellow spots appear below the tip. Then subgrade or more rough and covered with a fine layer of bran flakes with marks on the horizontal or vertical. If the fungal filaments from shore nail fungus will attack and hurt but not inflammation around the nail, nut rolls if fungal attack from the original injury and inflammation around the nail nails very painful and pus. The vulnerability has dark brown or yellowish. Even under the nail can also hurt and peeling.

How to prevent nail fungus

  • You should always hand hygiene, clean feet
  • Providing a full range of vitamins for the body to increase resistance, especially vitamin B.
  • Limit use of or dealing directly with chemicals, contaminated water ... that need to use socks, gloves dedicated.
  • Do not use stockings, long gloves secret that uses breathable, absorb sweat. Toenail fungus more susceptible to fungal nail if the shoe tight, inside my shoes clean development environment is extremely favorable for fungal nail fungus and back again more vulnerable to those often regularly exposed to chemicals or water as housewives, workers seafood ...
  • Do not share items such as towel, clothing, gloves, all ... the people were sick.
  • When there are signs of infection you should seek medical facility for examination and treatment.

Methods of treatment of onychomycosis

There are several methods of treatment for fungal nail disease such as lotions, pills, laser treatment ...


Some topical medications like Canesten, Terbinafin, Exoderil, BSI, cream or Pomade Ketoconazole (Nizoral) ...
Patients washed their hands and scrape the nail is injured, then the ointment onto the surface of the nail and around the nail, 2-3 times a day, at night time use plastic sealing tape to keep the drug.


Treatment of onychomycosis with itraconazole drug, itraconazole is the drug for the treatment of onychomycosis , is a triazole antifungal medicines preferred keratin and fat, stay longer in tissues such as skin, Itraconazole has broad anti-fungal activity skin, candida and Malassezia, Itraconazole has relatively high concentrations in the tissues due to protein binding affinity.
Itraconazole absorbed into the nail, it kills fungi that cause onychomycosis. After taking Itraconazole going to organize hair, nails, skin and did not return to the circulatory system. Therefore, the decrease of Itraconazole will be re-created, restored subgrade, horns and hair.
To prevent the adverse consequences may occur drug itraconazole for treatment must comply with the instructions of the doctor. There are a number of proprietary medicines such as spobet, itraconazole, trifungi ...
If you have hepatitis must treat hepatitis new stable medication Fungal Itraconazole. Do not use in children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers, acute hepatitis.
End of treatment based on the Pap test specimens collected in nail disease that doctors will make the next round of treatment for patients.
The treatment of fungal nails should take place early to avoid being seriously ill people will treat pain.

Laser Treatment

This method is said to be the most advanced, laser nail can go through easily thanks to high power pulse energy and eliminating pathogenic fungi which totally does not hurt the skin around the nail and nail. After several months of treatment, nail will grow normally in the range of 9 to 12 months.
Fungal infections but supposedly not dangerous but you should also prevent the disease if infected and take time to see a doctor for examination and treatment as directed by your doctor. No self-medication to treat very easily lead to unintended consequences.

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