Physical urticaria hives condition is triggered by one of the physical factors such as pressure, hot air, sunlight, sweat ... The physical stimuli somehow release of histamine and other chemicals in the body, causing the rash.
Classification of physical urticaria:
Physical urticaria how the following main categories:
Dermatographic urticaria (Dermatographism)
As macules or papules phenomenon line appears after a few minutes when using blunt object outlines the street light on the skin or in areas where clothing rubbing against the skin. The skin is usually very itchy rash. Any area on the skin can be affected, but the skin on the palms, soles of the feet, genital skin and scalp are less affected. The phenomenon of skin paint very well happen when you are feeling hot. For example, it can develop more easily when you rub a towel on the skin after a hot bath. Rash physics tend lasted less than an hour.
The rate is 1/20 the skin will draw well at some stage of life. Physical urticaria usually develops at puberty stage. In most cases, this condition tends to improve gradually in a few years and disappear or less serious. However, in some cases, well-painted skin condition still persist for years.
Heat urticaria (cholinergic)
Heat urticaria phenomenon occurs quite common. It is caused by the body to sweat and sometimes due to thermal shocks. The rash appears in a few minutes sweating and tend worst on the chest, back and arms. Status rash lasts from 30 minutes to an hour or more before fading away. Some people will feel a little wheezing and shortness of breath during the eruption.
Sweating due to exercise, heat, fever, emotional or eating spicy foods can cause hives. In severe cases, hundreds of little bump will appear when you run or perform various exercises. Sometimes the little bump together to form a large bump on the skin. Cholinergic urticaria usually occurs when puberty. Like the well-drawn skin hives, urticaria heat will tend to lose or mitigation, but in a few hives thermal phenomena persist and cause discomfort for many years.
Cold Urticaria
The phenomenon rash will appear when exposed to cold weather as rain, wind and cold air. The cause of the rash may be because the body is cold or warming of the skin after exposure to cold. The rash may appear on the skin if large positions on cold skin infection at the same time. For example, swimming in cold water can cause rashes and serious spread over most of the body and can make you feel dizzy or serious than you might faint. So if you suffer from cold urticaria, you absolutely must not go swimming alone.
Pressure Urticaria
Pressure urticaria is relatively rare type of urticaria. It can occur independently but often affect people with chronic urticaria. Urticaria occurs 4-6 hours after the skin prolonged pressure. For example, after a seatbelt or watches too tight, after holding, holding a tool such as a screwdriver in a long time. The rash can be painful and tend to appear in a few hours or longer.
Urticaria sunlight
This type is very rare. Urticaria will appear on skin exposed to sunlight
Urticaria by country
This type of urticaria are rare. Once a person is exposed to water at any temperature, the inlaid red spots or rash line will appear shortly.
Avoid allergens cause urticaria: You need to find out exactly what the cause of your rash and avoid situations leading to the stimulation urticaria.
Antihistamines: Many types of physical urticaria is supported by the types of antihistamines. However, these drugs do not work for some cases of urticaria pressure. Antihistamines may inhibit the effects of histamine are factors that may cause urticaria. Some types of antihistamines can cause drowsiness, so you need to save before using.
Steroid tablets: Unlike most types of urticaria, steroid drugs are less effective with physical urticaria.
Treatment with UV: Treatment with ultraviolet light can make rapid improvement of symptoms but this may only last a few months.
Using functional foods derived from nature: Some functional foods such as functional food additives and ingredients resistance is high liver, high creased, L-caritine effective treatment and support prevention of urticaria, while enhancing liver function, kidney function and increase the immunity of the body thereby stimulating repel the allergen that causes a rash. Accessories resistance is characterized by long-term effects and are very safe, no side effects so patients can feel safe when used.
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