24 thg 12, 2014

Skin cancer symptoms diagnosis

Symptoms of Skin Cancer
The most common symptoms of skin cancer is a change on the skin, especially the emergence of a new pimple or a pain not out. Not all types of skin cancer look alike.
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Example: Cancer can start from small lumps, smooth, glossy, pale or waxy. Alternatively, it may appear as a hard red pimples. Sometimes, acne can be bleeding or crusting. Skin cancer can also start from the float acne, red, rough, dry or scaly.

Basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer occurs mainly in the area of ​​skin exposed to sunlight, such as the head, face, neck, hands and arms. However, skin cancer can appear in any position.
Actinic keratosis due to acne appears as scaly, red or brown and rough, as precancerous condition because it sometimes develop into squamous cell carcinoma. Like skin cancer, it usually occurs in areas exposed to the sun, but it can also appear in other locations. Changes in the skin are not sure signs of cancer. However, it is important to see a doctor if symptoms last longer than 2 weeks. Do not wait until the pain it. Remember that skin cancer rarely causes pain
Diagnosis of skin cancer
Overall, carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell diagnosis and treatment are similar. When a skin does not look normal, the doctor may remove all or part of acne. This process is called a biopsy. To find cancer cells, the surgeon or medical doctor dermatologist will observe the tissue under a microscope. A biopsy is the only sure methods to confirm cancer.
Doctors often divide skin cancer into two phases: localized (only affect the skin) or metastatic (spread outside the skin). Because skin cancer rarely spreads to biopsy is usually only necessary tests to determine the stage of the disease. In the case of acne is to either have existed for a long time, the doctor will have to carefully check the lymph nodes in the region. Besides, the patient may need to add additional tests such as X-rays to determine the particular cancer has spread to other parts not. Knowing the stage of the disease helps the doctor plan the most appropriate treatment.
The warning signs of skin cancer:
In addition to the annual skin test done by your doctor, using the process to find the abnormalities of the skin on the body:
- Asymmetry: A warning symptoms related to skin cancer is the asymmetry of the mole wound. If you notice a mole with irregular shape, check with your doctor.
- Outline: Check the outer edges of the wound you suspect mole. If the outline of them are smooth and capable they are not cancerous. However, if they have jagged edges or uneven, may require further examination.
- Color: A healthy mole only one color. So, if your mole is black with brown mixed in it, it has a higher chance of cancer.
- Diameter: Dermatologists say about 6mm wide mole or more should examine the possibility of them cause cancer.
- The float: One thing to consider is the buoyancy of your mole. A mole or moles are raised to the rapid development of the surface can lead to cancer.
When you have one of the above symptoms, patients should promptly to the hospital to check reputable, diagnosis, avoiding detection regrettably too late.

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