24 thg 12, 2014

The early signs of skin cance

  Skin cancer is not always obvious manifestations. A study from Temple University School of Medicine indicates that: Sometimes simply persistent itching, pain in certain areas of skin, or even just the notes redness may indicate disease risk This insurance.

Soi da để sớm phát hiện những biểu hiện bất thường
Soi skin to detect the abnormal
The researchers found that itch and pain frequently in squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell are two most common forms of skin cancer . Of these, more than 40% of patients with squamous cell carcinoma.
Physicians Research - Gil Yosipovitch - said: "Squamous cells tend deeper in the skin. When you have a deep lesions in the skin, they will tend to trigger pain sensation than feeling itchy. "
Dr. Yosipovitch advice: If you have any pain or persistent itching lasts 6 weeks or more, you should see a doctor to be checked thoroughly.
Hơn 40% bệnh nhân bị ung thư tế bào vảy.
More than 40% of patients with skin cancer, squamous cell cancer.
Even if there are no signs of pain or itching, you should see a doctor for advice if there are signs of abnormal skin color, shape, ... Basal cell cancer is structured as a spot, usually shiny and matte. The main symptom of squamous cell skin cancer is a growing bump on the surface, thick and scaly.
Squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell cancer usually does not spread, but should be treated. Dr. Yosipovitch said: "If left untreated, they can cause deformation of the surrounding area as ears or nose."
Triệu chứng chính của ung thư da tế bào vảy là một vết sưng ngày càng tăng trên bề mặt, dày và có vảy.
The main symptom of squamous cell skin cancer is a growing bump on the surface, thick and scaly.

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