24 thg 12, 2014

Use griseofulvin nail fungus treatment that effectively?

Onychomycosis caused by several species including Trichophyton spp. Griseofulvin is derived from penicillinum griseofulvum or other penicillinum, antifungal way structural break mitotic spindle cells,

Onychomycosis caused by several species including Trichophyton spp. Griseofulvin is derived from penicillinum griseofulvum or   penicillinum   other antifungal way structural break mitotic spindle cells, stopping mid-phase of the cell division or DNA defects created inability   copy, make mushroom infertility.   Griseofulvin main effect on pathogenic strains of skin, hair, nails.
Dùng griseofulvin chữa nấm móng sao cho hiệu quả? 1
Griceofulvin apply even less effective when combined with therapy to remove the nail. Cause: While topical drugs only on the nails without nail penetrates inside or under the nail is where the pathogen resides. Some studies indicate that 7% of   topical medication is effective but because there is no control samples should be evaluated not sure. Agency for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not given official with onychomycosis. Topical only ancillary properties. Griseofulvin oral pharmacokinetics special: After absorption, distribution organizations in the liver, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, but particularly concentrated in the skin, hair and nails.   Griseofulvin has the potential to cause severe toxic to the kidneys, liver; cause agranulocytosis. Not recommended for people with severe renal insufficiency liver, agranulocytosis. When users need to periodically check kidney function, liver, blood, if necessary, adjust the dose of medication including stops if there is risk. In some cases, mild renal impairment, consider if the benefits are higher risk but still can use to reduce the dose, dose adjustments if needed periodically checked. Be discontinued if agranulocytosis. Note that, if used correctly specified, right dose, right time prescribed, there   check   periodic often not met dangerous side effects; medication should be assured, without patience or are afraid to drink long stand-off that will not stop smoking.
As seen in abnormal nails, not arbitrarily medication that should be examined immediately dermatologist. At that, based on clinical and mycelium will identify pathogenic strains. It might cultured fungus but more complex, the false positive rate is high, only about 30-40% accurate. Griceofulvin special treatment in onychomycosis caused by Trichophyton; if pathogenic strains such as Candida can not use other medicines that must griseofulvin. If used correctly specify that periodic assessments can be found to meet the   griseofulvin was resistant, physicians may be replaced by a more powerful drug.

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